Memoji of me

A Software Engineer, with fascination for web dev and computer vision.


Hey, my name is Abdul Rehman (/abdi/) I am a cs graduate survivor of Comsats University, Islamabad in Pakistan.

Since, the start of 2023, I have been working at Devsinc, as an Associate Software Engineer. Since my time here, I have contributed to the development and scaling of two projects including an e-learning platform as well as a data exchange platform.

In the summer of 2022, I got the opportunity to intern at Techlogix, where I primarily worked on the backend services of the product Campus On Cloud (CoC) of their subsidiary, Almusnet.

Final Year Project

During my bachelor's program, I undertook a fascinating thesis project focused on Neural Style Transfer (NST) technique. My team and I proposed an alternative implementation for style extraction for NST algorithm. Our alternative implementation of NST proved to produce more "painting" like output images.Read More.

Whether if it's a hackathon, party or a job offer, I'm always looking for new opportunities. Want to connect? Reach out below!


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